Thursday, July 2, 2009

Change is HARD!!!

...but exciting!! We are in the thick of this move....Oh how I hate packing boxes!!! We have lived in this house for about 7 years. I had no idea how much STUFF we had accumulated until we started trying to put in all in boxes. I think we have personally restocked GoodWill and the DI with all our donations...but yet it doesn't feel like we have put a dent in the amount of STUFF we have. I am at the point of putting stuff in boxes and labeling them "random" or "misc." or "bedroom/etc." Guess opening those boxes on the other end will make it feel a little like Christmas...I always love surprises :)...The kids are doing great with all the chaos and changes...they are so excited to get to our new house. It will be so nice to live in a home with space for everyone and everything. We will be in Layton is only about 10min to Ben's work and really close to cousins, grandpas, and grandmas, aunts, and uncles...I am beginning to realize how much we have missed family as the anticipation grows to be close to them again. We will miss our arizona "family" though...we are so grateful for the friends we have made here...they truly have become family...We hope that they know they are always welcome at "Hotel Walworth" when their travels send them our way...
I hope to never have to move again...this packing business is not my strength and I find myself blogging when I should be packing some more "random" boxes...Off to pack...the truck comes tomorrow and we pull out of this driveway for the last time on Monday....Ready or Not!!


Rae Lynn said...

I so am not ready!

Anonymous said...

OH WOW!! I thought you guys were going to Oregon! Bummer, I thought we'd get be closer to you. Well, we ARE closer but not that close! We will have to stop and see you guys on our way to Cedar if you don't mind...? I am excited for you. When we moved here in Jan it was hard but now, SOOOO worth it. We are loving it! There are some AMAAAZING photographers in your area, just look them up, you will have plenty of people to connect with!

Kristi said...

We are in Syracuse, UT. Really glad that you are coming our way! We just moved there 3 wks ago.

Rae Lynn said...

I hope that you had a safe drive up and that everything is okay!

Audra Little said...

I'm sorry to hear you are moving, but I understand completely. When is the actual move day?? I would love to see you before you go!

Chris and Michelle said...

Wow - how exciting! I thought you were planning to move further West, too... but how fun that you'll be in UT! That is such a great area... your kids will love it and I'm sure you're going to just love being so close to your family, Camie! I hope all is going well with the big move! :)

shellie said...

What your moving back to Utah? How did I miss this? I am excited. I am coming up for the weekend. I would love to come see you. If you get this, e-mail me or call me 691-2613.

Wade Family said...

Camie- that is so exciting! I have to admit I am so jealous though! All our vacations are to Utah so when things settle down for you we will have to snatch you for some updated family photos! We hope to be joining you in that area sometime in the next three years! Good luck with everything!