Monday, October 6, 2008

less than 100 to go!!

I can't believe how fast time is flying...Yesterday was my 26 week little time keeper on the side bar has now dipped below 100 days!! We are SO EXCITED and starting to feel a little overwhelmed and clueless!! We are not really sure how to prepare or what little gadgets to buy
...any advice is welcomed...

A BIG thanks to my dear husband Ben for taking these pictures...he was so patient as I bossed him around... I think he started to realize it isn't so easy to compose and shoot the perfect shot (especially when I was being so particular) was very strange to be on this side of the camera...I think I would much rather be on the shooting side :)


Unknown said...

YAY!! It won't be long now! Soon will come the sleepless nights, the crying, the poopy diapers...oh, it's bliss! I'm so excited for you!

Ben did a great job! I'm glad you got the shots! So cute! You look adorable pregnant!

shellie said...


I loved to see those pictures. You look great!! What a wonderful idea with the hands on the belly. I am so excited for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I bet you other children are so excited. You will have alot of helpers. My advice is keep your schedule clear. Don't plan things and take everything one day at a time. Give yourself a long time to recover and allow yourself lots of naps and rest time. Enjoy your baby they grow so fast.
Love you

Lindsay Bartholomew said...

Beautiful pictures! You have such a cute belly! We are so excited to meet the little guy!

Chris and Michelle said...

Camie -
You look so so great. You are just shining - as you should be! :) As for what gadgets to get... I have LOTS of advice on those... but I'll TRY to keep this short! I would definitely get a Boppy if you're planning on nursing! And the nursing privacy covers are awesome. We have LOVED using our Pack 'N Play as a bassinet.(This is probably my #1 recommendation!) I definitely recommend getting one with an attached changing table on the side (NOT in the center - then you have to remove it each time the baby sleeps). For baths we have a little mesh chair that you can use from the time they are newborns... this way you can just stick it in a tub of a little water and not have to fill up and empty one of those plastic tubs and you just leave it there in the tub when you're done. I have LOVED this thing and STILL make Parker sit in it to wash his hair - so we've used it with him for 2 years and now I use it with our newborn (I've seen them at Babies R Us for like $12). It gets them wet but doesn't submerge them more than is needed, and you don't have to hold them there to make sure there head doesn't get wet.
Also, I just got one of those slings that Jeanine B. always used with Eli, and it's been great for when Emmie is mad & wants to be held but I need free hands to help Parker or make dinner, etc. You can find them at They are kind of pricey, but I was able to find one on clearance on their site for $24 (normally $60!). Anyways, this could be handy for you since you have other kids to take care of, too. Target is great for nursing bras, and Lansinoh cream for nursing (baby section at Target) is essential in my opinion (as well as the Lansinoh nursing pads). Well, I could go on and on... :) Good luck with everything! I'm so excited for you and Ben!

Jeanerbee said...

Ok Cammie, you look awesome! Number one - Get a sling!!! Hotslings and Moby wraps are easy and fun. I love for nursing bras that actually come in sizes that work and they have good sales. And hmmm... oh yeah - cloth diapers work great for burp rags/leaky boob rags/cleaning up kid mess rags lol. Good luck to you guys!

Amie said...

still so flippin' excited for ya!! =)